- SLT-3000型调速器 SLT-3000 speed controller
- PID型调速器 PID governor
- 器 utensil
- RFD型调速器弹簧刚度的计算研究 Research on Spring Stiffness for RFD Type Regulator
- 管理器 manager
- 紫外线辐照度计在3000型荧光磁粉探伤机上的正确使用方法 The Correct Operation Method of Ultraviolet Irradiation Gauge on the 3000 Fluorescent Magnetic Flaw Detector
- 资源管理器 explorer
- 型的 thysanuriform
- 卡鲁塞尔氧化沟3000型 the carrousel oxidation ditch
- YT型调速器运行参数选择的研究 Studies on the Selection of Operation Parameters of YT Velometer
- HB-3000型布氏硬度计换向系统的改造 Improvement of Exchange System of HB 3000 Type of Brinell Tester
- 调速器 speed governor
- 3000型轮对磁粉探伤机自动监测装置的研制 The development automatic inspecting device for magnetic powder wheel couple crack detector model 3000
- 经济型调速系统电路结构 Circuit Construction of Economical Speed Governing System
- 3000型沥青混凝土搅拌设备搅拌缸容积的确定 To Make sure the cubage of 3000 Asphalt Mixing Plant's Mixing Crock
- 小型水电站调速器油压装置自动控制系统现状分析与改造 Analysis of status and renovation of auto-control system of pressure oil tank in speed governor of SHP stations
- 用电液比例阀改造YTS-3型调速实验台 Rebuild YTS-3 Experiment Device with Proportional Control Valves
- 浅析3000型磁粉探伤机发现车轮辐板裂纹的可能性 Analysis of the Possibility to Find Cracking in Wheel Web Plate by 3000 Type Magnetic Flaw Detector
- PID调速器 PID governor
- 3000型毛细管电泳仪循环温控部分常见问题的处理 Method for solving common problems of circulating coolant temperature control system of BioFocus 3000 capillary electrophoresis instrument