- SCSI/UFI命令集 UFI command
- AT命令集 AT command sets
- SCPI命令集 SCPI commands
- 帧中继全局配置命令集 Global configuration command set for Frame Relay
- 移动通讯控制命令集 global system for mobile communication AT (GSM AT ) command set
- 杂集 miscellany
- 他被命令交出他的枪。 He was ordered to surrender his gun.
- 洛基第一集 Rocky - 1976
- 她的请求含有命令意味。 Her request savored of a command.
- 论集 analects
- 警长命令对这一案件作彻底调查。 The superintendent ordered a thorough investigation of the case.
- 集群植物 colonial plants
- 他命令她走。 He ordered her to go.
- 部队接到命令在前哨周围筑壕加强防卫。 The troops received orders to trench the outpost.
- 李先生集玩具火车。 Mr. Lee collects toy trains.
- 这位部长命令要作详细调查。 The minister decreed that there should be a full investigation.
- 他把文件集拢来烧毁。 He amassed his papers for burning.
- 他做了个命令式的手势。 He made an imperative gesture.
- 在此后的二十五年里,他发表了十四部小说和两本短篇小说集。 During the next twenty-five years he published fourteen novels and two volumes of short stories.
- 他们一接到命令就匆匆地出发了。 They posted off the moment they received the order.