- SAR图像去噪 SAR image denoising
- 基于自适应收缩因子的SAR图像去噪 SAR image denoising based on adaptive shrinkage factor
- 基于AOS非线性扩散的SAR图像去噪研究 A study of SAR images denoising based on AOS nonlinear diffusion
- 图像 picture
- SAR图像滤波去噪效果评价研究--以福建省海岸带为例 Evaluation and Study of Speckle Reduction Effect of SAR Images--Taking the Fujian Coastal Zone as an Example
- 基于特征驱动的双向耦合扩散方程的图像去噪和边缘锐化 Feature-oriented coupled bidirectional flow equation for image denoising and edge sharpening
- 一种基于逼近信噪比的SAR图像质量评估方法 New Method for Objectively Evaluating SAR Image Quality Based on Approach-RSN
- 基于最小二乘估计和小波去噪的ATI-SAR自适应相位校正方法 Phase Calibration Method for ATI-SAR System Based on Least Square Estimation and Wavelet-Denoising
- 图像去噪 image denoising
- 基于小波变换的Wiener滤波方法在农产品图像去噪中的应用 Application of wavelet transform-based Wiener filtering method to denoise in agricultural product images
- 提出了一种基于离散平稳小波变换的红外图像去噪方法。 A kind of infrared image threshold de?noising method based on discrete stationary wavelet transform is given.
- 图像去噪法 image denoising
- 预去噪图像 Pre-denoised image
- 形态滤波器在图像去噪处理中的全方位结构元素层叠算法研究 Research on morphological operators of omni-directional multiple structuring elements in image filtering processing
- 多尺度图像迭代去噪 Iterative Noise Reduction on the Multi-resolution Image
- 墙地砖图像的去噪研究 Study on image denoising for wall and floor tiles
- 基于小波变换的图像低通去噪 Image Low- passed De- noising Based Wavelet Transform
- 一种基于图像融合的混合去噪方法 A Mixed De-nosing Method Based on Image Fusion
- 智能监控中图像预处理与去噪方法 Image Pretreatment and Moving Object Detection Method in Intellectual Video Monitoring System
- 圆锥轴承保持架图像的滤波去噪研究 Study on Filter and Reduction Noise of Tapered Roller Bearing Cage Images