- 存储食品 to cache food
- XML存储 XML Saving
- 位存储 bit memory
- DAS存储 NAS storage
- NAS存储 NAS storage
- XML架构描述了用于在表单的主数据源中存储数据的结构。 An XML Schema describes the structure for storing data in the main data source of the form.
- 可信存储 Trusted storage
- 采集存储 acquisition and storage
- 状态存储 state storage
- 光盘存储 compact disc memory
- 紧缩存储 compact representation
- 分块存储 division storage
- 存储网络 storage network
- 扩展存储 enlarged memory
- 等效存储 equivalent storage
- 存储测试 stored testing and measuring
- 联邦存储 federation save
- 铁电存储 ferroelectrie storage
- 安全存储 secure storage
- 模糊存储 fuzzy inventory