- S180荷瘤小鼠 sarcoma 180 bearing mouse
- 甜菜碱对S180荷瘤小鼠血清肿瘤标志物乳酸脱氢酶、醛缩酶和肌酸激酶的活力影响 Effect of Betaine on the Activity of Three Tumor Markers LDH,ALD,CK in Serum of Rats Bearing S180
- 方法:建立S180荷瘤小鼠模型,分为单用CTX组、CTX+FZQL组、单用FZQL组和生理盐水对照组,比较各组间的差别。 METHODS: The models of S180 tumor bering mice were established . The animals were divided into CTX therapy group, CTX and FZQL combined therapy group, FZQL therapy group and control group. The results were compared among these groups.
- 与LAK细胞作对比,分别用MTT法测定其体外细胞毒活性及对S180荷瘤鼠的体内抗肿瘤作用。 Compared with LAK cells, the cytotoxicity in vitro by MTT assays and the anti-tumor effects on S180 bering mice in vivo of CDC cells were tested resecively.
- S180荷瘤 S180
- 不同时期应用细胞瘤苗对红白血病荷瘤小鼠抗瘤作用的研究 The Study of the Antitumor Effect of Tumor-Cell Vaccine on Erythroleukemia-Bearing Mice in Different Time
- 参芪平消胶囊能抑制S180、Lewis实体瘤生长,延长EAC腹水瘤小鼠生存时间。 Shengqipingxiao Capsul have function to control the S_ 180, Lewis solid tumor and lasting live time of EAC ascites tumor mice.
- 微囊化转mIL-12基因细胞介导荷瘤小鼠T_(H1)T_(H2)的漂移 Effect of microencapsulated CHO cells modified with mIL-12 gene on T_(H1)T_(H2) in tumor-bearing mice
- 从雷蘑AS 5.105深层发酵的滤液中分离得到胞外粗多糖CGP,以KM系S180荷瘤小白鼠为实验模型,用免疫器官重量法,进行高、中、低剂量CGP的腹腔注射实验。 An extracellular polysaccharide,CGP,was extracted from submerged fermentation broth of Clitocybe gigantean. With KM mice as animal model,the method of immune organs weight of mice was used. Testing the antitumour effects of extracellular polysaccharide by Clitocybe gigantean AS 5.105 indicated that the polysaccharide CGP could remarkably inhibit the solid Sarcoma 180 in mice.
- 低功率毫米波对荷瘤小鼠红细胞免疫黏附活性的影响及作用分析 Effect of low-intensity millimeter wave irradiation on the immune adhesion function of erythrocytes in mice with tumor
- 在多胺对两种荷瘤(荷S180和荷Heps瘤)小鼠影响的研究中,发现每天摄入100nmolSpd明显增加了小鼠肿瘤重量。 In the experiment with two types of tumour-bearing (S180 and Heps tumour) rats, the proliferation of tumour weight is obvious when 100nmol Spd every day was fed.
- 龙葵90%醇提取物对荷瘤肝癌小鼠生存时间及肉瘤瘤重影响 Affection of Nightshade 90%25 Ethanol Abstract in Survival Time and Tumor Weight in Rat
- 小鼠荷瘤 mouse-borne tumor
- SAg-SEB和MDV诱导雏鸡与荷瘤小鼠免疫学变化及细胞凋亡的研究 Study on the Immunology and Apoptosis of Chicken and Tumorigenic Mouse Induced By SAg-SEB and MDV
- 同时检测荷瘤小鼠红细胞免疫功能,2,3-DPG水平和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性变化。 At the same time,erythrocyte immune function,the level of 2,3-DPG and the activity of SOD were determined.
- 而荷瘤 2d再给予DLI则不能减慢肿瘤生长速度, 12只中有 1只小鼠出现轻微GVHD。 But DLI did not evoke obvious antitumor effects when it was given 2 days after tumor challenge and only 1 mouse had mild GVHD.
- 方法制作荷瘤S180小鼠和荷HePA小鼠模型,用3种浓度紫菀水提取物,进行小鼠体内抗肿瘤试验。 Methods Dutch S_(180) and HepA mouse models were established,and anti-tumor effects in mouse in vivo was performed with three kinds of concentration of Aster water extract.
- 荷瘤小鼠 tumor-bearing mice
- EAC荷瘤小鼠 EAC bearing mouse
- H22荷瘤小鼠 H22 hepatoma-bearing mice