- C型凝集素 C-type lectin
- S型凝集素 S-type lectin
- C-型凝集素DC-SIGN C-type lectin DC-SIGN
- S型线结构 S-shaped structure
- 区间s型模型 interval S-model
- 素 plain
- C型凝集素类似蛋白 C-type lectin like protein
- S型增长曲线 "S" type growth curve
- 型的 thysanuriform
- S型连接电缆 type S connecting cable
- 凝集素 agglutinin
- S型控释尿素 Sigmoid type controlled release urea
- 包被型凝集作用 envelope type agglutination
- S型海洋重力仪 S model gravimeter
- 甘露糖结合凝集素基因54号密码子多态性与川崎病易感性的研究 Correlation between mannose-binding lectin gene codon 54 polymorphism and susceptibility of Kawasaki disease
- 被膜型凝集反应 envelope type agglutination
- 湖北地区汉族人群甘露糖结合凝集素基因多态性与冠心病易感性关系研究 The study on the relationship between genotype polymorphism of mannose-binding lection and susceptibility to coronary artery disease in the subjects of Han nationality of Hubei province
- s型瓦片屋顶盖法;交叠弯曲摆放 a roofing tile with a S-shape; laid so that curves overlap
- H凝集素 H agglutinin
- 用T-S型模糊神经网络的机械手轨迹跟踪自适应控制 Adaptive control of an industrial manipulator trajectory tracking system using a T-S model based fuzzy neural network