- Ru基Pt层电极 Pt-on-Ru electrode
- Ru基氨合成催化剂石墨化炭载体的制备 Preparation of Graphitic Carbon as Support of Ru-Based Catalyst for Ammonia Synthesis
- 基 radical
- 层 layer
- Ru基氧化物涂层钛阴极的电功能及析氢效应 Electrochemical properties and hydrogen evolution of titanium cathode with Ru oxide coating
- 电极 electrode
- 一层 layer
- 多层 multilayer
- 单层 monolayer
- 基板 placode
- Pt-Ru电极 Pt- Ru electrode
- 三层 three-layer
- 羧基 carboxyl
- 第一层 first floor
- 自由基 free radical
- 基体 kinetosome
- Pt电极 Pt electrode
- 内层 lining
- 硝基 nitryl
- 薄层 folium