- Ru(Ⅱ)异构配合物 Ru(Ⅱ) isomeric complex
- 配合物的异构现象 isomerism of coordination compounds
- 物 matter
- 配合 coordinate with
- 配合物的立体异构现象讨论 Discussion on the stereoisomer phenomenon of coordinate compounds
- 异 strange
- 构 Broussonetia papyrifera
- 异构 isomerism
- Ru配合物 ruthenium (Ⅱ) complex
- 不对称混合型配合物[Ru(ptp)(bpy)Cl]ClO_4的合成与表征 Synthesis and Characterization of the Asymmetric Heteroleptic Complex [Ru(ptp)(bpy)Cl]ClO_4
- 异构核 heterogeneous cores
- 异构CAD heterogeneous CAD
- Ru(Ⅱ)配合物 Ru(Ⅱ) complex
- 光异构 photo-isomerization
- 双氮配合物 dinitrogen coordination compoud
- 异构域 Heterogeneous regions
- 配合物的不稳定性 instabilities of coordination compounds
- 两种或更多同质异构的醇的混合物,用作溶剂,用于有机合成 a mixture of 2 or more isomeric alcohols; used as a solvent and in organic synthesis
- 稀土芦丁配合物的合成、表征及与血清白蛋白的相互作用 Synthesis, Characterization and Interaction of Rare Earth Complexes of Rutin with HSA and BSA
- 同课异构 with heterogenerous classes