- She attended his Rotary Club meeting. 她还参加罗博士的“扶轮国际”分社的会议。
- Can they become an honorary Rotary club? 他们是否可以组成荣誉扶轮社?
- Obtain banners from your sponsor Rotary club. 向你的派遣扶轮社索取数面社旗。
- Attend club meetings of your sponsor Rotary club. 定期出席你的派遣扶轮社例会。
- Facing an overwhelming task, Froman appealed to his Rotary club. 面临这麽巨大的任务,福洛曼向他的扶轮社求援。
- In Belize, members of a local Rotary club help manage a prison. 在伯利兹城,当地扶轮社的成员帮助管理一家监狱。
- These contacts soon led to a decision to form a new Rotary club. 这些联系不久便促成成立新扶轮社的决定。
- Why are public relations important for your Rotary club? 为何公共关系对你的扶轮社来说是重要的?
- The Rotary Club tends to the improvement of society. 扶轮社有助于社会的改善。
- Why is the community an important resource for your Rotary club? 为什麽社区是你的扶轮社的重要资源呢?
- Q: Can I volunteer where there is no Rotary club within a reasonable distance? 问:我能否前往于适当距离内无扶轮社的地方去担任义工?
- What are all the occupations in our Rotary club and in the community? 你的社内及社区内总共有哪些职业?
- However, you must be invited by the Rotary club closest to your project site. 然而,你应该受到贵计划所在地邻近之扶轮社邀请。
- And now, let me introduce our VIP guests from the ABC Rotary Club of Japan. 那么,由我来介绍今天来自日本的ABC扶轮社的贵宾。
- It is the carrier of official communications to Rotary club officers. 它是国际扶轮与各扶轮社职员的正式沟通桥梁。
- Rotarian since 1970, John is a member of the Rotary Club of Grangemouth. 肯尼在1970年加入扶轮,曾任英爱国际扶轮社长及副社长。
- A Rotarian since 1970, John is a member of the Rotary Club of Grangemouth. 肯尼在1970年加入扶轮,曾任英爱国际扶轮社长及副社长。
- A Rotary club paid for his roundtrip airfare, making it possible for Lader to be home with his mother for the funeral. 一个扶轮社为他的往返旅行机票付费,方使雷德得以返家与他的母亲参与葬礼。
- RI is successful only when Rotary clubs are successful. 只有在扶轮社成功时,国际扶轮才可能成功。
- Rotary International is the association of Rotary clubs. 国际扶轮是扶轮社的联合会。