- Rife--Vincent(III)窗 rife--vincent (Ⅲ) window
- Rife-Vincent窗 Rife-Vincent window
- 五项窗Rife-Vincent(I) rifevincent( I ) window with five coefficients
- 出窗 exit window
- Rife方法 Rife method
- 世界之窗 Window on the World
- Quinn和Rife-Jane算法 Quinn and Rife-Jane algorithm
- Vincent口炎 ulceromembranous stomatitis
- Vincent龈炎 Vincent's gingivitis
- III度灼伤 third-degree burn
- RIFE采用了来自非Java语言的一些更根本的技术。 RIFE uses some of the more radical techniques from non-Java languages.
- 开窗 windowing
- Vincent咽峡炎 fusospirochetal pharyngitis; Plaut's ulcer; pseudomembranous angina
- III型卡环 wrought wire clasp
- 所以,就像活动记录一样,RIFE框架也使用配置约定。 So, like Active Record, the RIFE framework uses convention over configuration.
- 后窗 backlight
- III波段Ⅳ/Ⅴ band
- Vincents angina 奋森咽峡炎
- 小窗 fenestella
- Vincents bacillus 奋森氏杆菌