- Education is the key to making our country rich and prosperous. 教育是富国兴邦的关键。
- Historically a rich and fertile area, it has become one of the most populous and prosperous regions in the country. 它的富饶肥沃由来已久,已成为中国人口最为密集,经济最发达的地区之一。
- Blessed with rich and prosperous land, how to move towards wealth while preserving its pure original face is the challenge now facing Puli. 丰美的土地,是埔里得天独厚的资产,如何既迈向繁荣又保有它的纯净原貌,也是埔里今后的挑战。
- How can we bridge the gap between rich and poor? 怎样才能缩小贫富之间的差距?
- There is always a vast chasm between rich and poor. 贫富的鸿沟始终存在。
- The gap between the rich and the poor has widened. 贫富之间的差距扩大了。
- The cookies were rich and spicy. 这些小甜饼油多味香。
- One of the best ways to succeed in a small company is to get in on the ground floor and prosper as the company expands. 在小公司取得成功的最佳方法之一,就是以与发起人同样优先的资格入股,随着公司的发展一起繁荣。
- He could expect a successful and prosperous life. 他可以指望过一种很顺心、优裕的生活。
- The rich and handsome young man make a conquest of jeanne. 这位富裕而又英俊的年轻人赢得了琴的爱情。
- You are busy and prosperous--best of luck to you. 你很忙,生意兴隆--祝你福星高照。
- Wising everybady a happy and prosperous new year! 希望自己在新的一年有更好的表现!
- You are busy and prosperous--best luck to you. 你很忙,生意兴隆--祝你福星高照。
- May you Be happy and prosperous! 恭喜发财!
- The rich and handsome young man made a conquest of Jeanne. 这位富裕而又英俊的年轻人赢得了琴的爱情。
- I wish you all good health and prosperous career. 5祝福、也希望各位,今后身体愈来愈健康、事业愈来愈发达。
- Best wishes for a happy and prosperous New Year! 衷心祝愿新年快乐,事业有成!
- Best wishes for a happy and prosperous future. 祝你快乐和前途光明。
- In the grave the rich and poor lie equal. 一朝入暮穴,贫富皆一律。
- Wishing you a Happy and Prosperous New Year. 祝你新年快乐发达。