- This paper gives the effect of the temperature of the standard blackbody for calibration of EQUINOX55 remote sensing FTIR emission system on the instrument response function. 本文考察了黑体温度对EQUINOX55型遥感傅里叶变换红外光谱的响应函数的影响。
- The application of remote sensing FTIR spectrometry in determination of the absolute radiation energy,combustion gas concentration and propellant plume temperature was reviewed. 根据羽焰辐射亮度分布可判断燃烧产物种类,通过能量积分得到推进剂辐射能时间分辨图。
- Wavelet Transform (WT) technology of multiresolution feature extraction is studied to identify and quantitatively analyze remote sensing FTIR spectra by Mexican hat function. The signal is performed by continuous wavelet transform (CWT). 利用小波的信号多尺度边缘特征提取,采用墨西哥帽函数小波对所获取的遥感傅里叶变换红外光谱信号进行连续小波变换,从而达到识别和定量解析遥感光谱的目的。
- Remote sensing FTIR 遥感FTIR
- Class B: remote sensing geology exploration. 乙级:遥感地质勘查。
- Knowledge of Remote Sensing applications. 遥感应用知识。
- Expert in Infrared and remote sensing. 红外及遥感专家。
- OMIS imaging spectrometer airborne remote sensing. 标 签 OMIS 成像光谱仪 航空遥感.
- Class B: areal geology survey; remote sensing geology exploration. 2901524乙级:区域地质调查;遥感地质勘查。
- Airborne LIDAR is an active remote sensing technique. 机载激光雷达是一种主动遥感技术。
- Remote sensing imaging features seem clearly distribut of linear. 遥感影像特征十分明显,呈线性展布。
- Remote Sensing Rock Mechanics (RSRM) is a new interdiscipline. 遥感岩石力学(RSRM)是一门新兴的交叉科学。
- Remote sensing techniques have been applied in criminology. 遥感技术被应用于犯罪学中。
- Satellite remote sensing technology has produced great economic benefits. 卫星遥感技术在国家建设中产生了很大的经济效益。
- Landsat Remote Sense New Tech Development Co. 蓝赛特遥感新技术开发公司。
- Satellite Communications, TV, Remote sensing and other related topics. 通讯,电视,远程交互和其他相关主题。
- RS-fathoming is one of the most applications in remote sensing in coast. 水深遥感是遥感在海岸带及近海水域中的重要应用之一。
- Remote sensing imagesegmentation for nonstationary random field models[J]. 引用该论文 李峰;彭嘉雄;张翔.
- Remote Sensing Image Fusion Based on Steerable Pyramid Frame Transform[J]. 引用该论文 李振华;敬忠良;孙韶媛;刘刚.
- NPP model has been developed the age of remote sensing process model. 摘要NPP模型现在已经发展到遥感过程模型时代。