- In an ideal world we would be recycling and reusing everything. 我们要是能回收并再利用所有的东西就再理想不过了。
- It is suggested that related agency should make policy to create the condition for industrializing of recycling and reusing waste wood. 建议有关部门成立相应的机构,尽快制定相关的激励政策,为木材废旧物品再利用的产业化创造条件。
- According to Gutierrez, this shadow economy exists because the excuse of recycling and reusing electronics gives businessmen “a green passport” to ship waste around the globe. 归狄勒兹表示,这种灰色经济的存在就是因为再回收,再利用给了那些生意人一张将电子垃圾转载全世界的通行证。
- The general situation of recycling and reusing for nickel metal hydride batteries and its fire metallurgy and hydrometallurgy technical processes are summarized. 介绍了国内外废旧电池的回收概况以及火法和湿法回收金属氢化物-镍电池的工艺流程。
- The recycling and reusing designs in ancient China was discussed such as re-manufacture, renew, and recycling for mutual benefit with concrete examples. 摘要通过归纳并结合具体实例,论述了中国古代重视再造、再生、循环互利等循环与再利用设计。
- We can live more sustainably by using and wasting less matter and energy, recycling and reusing most matter resources, and controlling human population growth. 我们可以居住更加能承受的环境,藉由使用和浪费较少物质和能量,回收和重复利用多数物质资源和源和控制人口成长。
- As a result of air compresses the heat can be recycled and reused. 因空气压缩所产生的热量可以回收和重复使用。
- The recycling and reuse of the extra heat, pressure, and exhausted flammable gas. 余热、余压和放散可燃气体的回收利用;
- The Progress of Waste Plastic in Recycling and Reusing 废旧塑料的回收利用进展
- The volume of industrial water use and related water use index, the new technology of water saving and the recycling and reuse of the industrial waste water. 工业用水的数量和有关用水指标,节约用水的新技术和工业废水的回收利用情况;
- The research of recycling and reuse of filter backwash water has been done by field experiments in water plant of raw water taken from surface water bodies such as Xiang River. 以湘江原水为研究对象,对滤池反冲洗废水回用进行了小试及生产性试验研究。
- Angelakis A.N., Bontoux L. and Lazarova V., “Challenge and prospectives for water recycling and reuse in EU countries”, Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, Vol.3, No.4, pp.59-68(2003). 经济部水利署水利规划试验所,台湾感潮河段设置半咸水淡水厂利用研究(2)-以乌溪及高屏溪为例,经济部水利署委讬研究报告,2006年12月。
- New ways of handling the composite business had to be initiated -namely collection,recycling and reuse of a new secondary raw material-in orde r to start a new era, saving resources in the long run. 复合材料行业的运作程序加入了新内容(即收集、回收和作为二手原材料重新使用),这将开创一个新时代,从长远看来将节约资源。
- Recycling and waste - disposal of F. L. 荧光灯的再生循环和废料处理
- Recently the recycle and reuse of waste plastic is very important as resource. 塑料的回收利用是近些年来再生资源研究的一个非常重要的方向。
- So the key technology to recycle and reuse the waste computer is to solve the problem of reusing the PWB innocuously and changing it into new resource. 因此,以线路板的无害化、资源化利用为研究重点,是解决废旧电脑再生利用问题的关键技术之一。
- The recycling and utilization of by-product HBr was introduced. 对副产物溴化氢的回收和应用也作了论述。
- They had high activity in degrading DDVP,and were easy to be recycled and reused. 将TiO2 /SiO2 应用于光催化降解敌敌畏 (DDVP) ,具有高的光催化活性 ,且易回收及反复使用。