- Re-Os年龄 Re-Os age
- 辉钼矿Re-Os年龄 molybdenite Re-Os isotope age
- 年龄 age
- 印度-亚洲碰撞带东段喜马拉雅期铜-钼-金矿床Re-Os年龄及成矿作用 The Himalayan Cu-Mo-Au Mineralization in the Eastern Indo-Asian Collision Zone: Constraints from Re-Os Dating of Molybdenite
- 安徽铜陵大团山铜矿床层状矽卡岩矿体中辉钼矿Re-Os年龄测定及其地质意义 Re-Os Dating of Molybdenite from Stratiform Skarn Orebodies in the Datuanshan Copper Deposit, Tongling, Anhui Province, and Its Geological Significance
- 平均年龄 average age
- 退休年龄 retiring age
- 法定年龄 legal age
- 随着年龄的增长 with age
- 心理年龄 psychological age
- 年龄层 age level
- 在他这样的年龄该懂事些了。 He ought to know better at his time of life.
- 同年龄的 cotemporary
- 各种不同年龄和各种不同家境的男女互相接触并交换意见。 Men and woman of assorted ages and degrees of prosperity rub shoulders and exchange opinions.
- 年龄结构 age structure
- 年龄限制 age limits
- 年龄组 age group
- 小男孩还不到上学年龄。 The boy is still too young to go to school.
- 年龄差异 age differences
- 不同年龄或世代的人 intergenerational