- 耳带状疱疹(Ramsay-Hunt综合征)并发脑膜脑炎1例 Herpes zoster oticus (Ramsay-Hunt syndrome) associated with meningoencephalitis: A case report
- Ramsay-Hunt综合征1 Ramsay-Hunt syndrome 1
- 不典型Ramsay Hunt综合征误诊分析 Misdiagnosis of non- typical Ramsay Hunt syndrome:three cases report
- ramsay Hunt综合征的听性脑干诱发电位分析 Auditory brain stem response assessment in Ramsay Hunt syndrome
- 双克因致急性脑病综合征1例 A case of acute cerebropathy syndrome induced by DHC Contin
- Sturge-Weber综合征1例报告及文献复习 Sturge-Weber syndrome(Report of one case and review of literature)
- Hunt综合征 Hunt syndome
- Ramsay原则 Ramsay Principle
- Ramsay评分 Ramsay sedation score
- 甲髌综合征1型 nail-patella syndrome, type 1; NPS1
- Tolosa-Hunt综合征 Tolosa-Hunt syndrome
- 什么是1-2连击? What is one-two?
- Hunt综合征39例分析 Diagnosis and treatment of Ramsay Hunt syndrome (A report of 39 cases)
- 2比1,伦敦队胜。 Two to one in favour of the London team.
- 观察术后2、4、8、12、24、36和48h的VAS评分、Ramsay评分及不良反应。 The VAS score, the Ramsay score and side effects were recorded at 2, 4, 8, 12, 24, 36 and 48 hours after the operation respectively.
- 歪嘴哭综合征1例临床报告 Case report: 1 case of crying-unilateral facial palsy syndrome
- 1 Fructose 1
- Ramsay评分和BCS评分两组明显高于B组(P<0.01、P<0.05),差异有统计学意义。 Ramsay sedation scores and BCS were significantly higher in group A and C compared with those in group B(P<0.01 or P<0.05).
- 千克是1公吨。 1000 kilos is a metric ton. 1000
- 结果咪唑安定镇静效果好,有23例病人Ramsay镇静评分达2-4级,有效率为82.14%。 The evaluation of the sedative effect showed that in total 23 patients had Ramsay score of 2 to 4 grade with an effective rate of 82. 14%25.