- RSA密码技术的程序实现 Program Implementation of Ciphergraph of RSA
- RSA密码协处理器的实现 Implementation for RSA Cryptography Coprocessor
- DES加密技术及VC++的程序实现 DES Encryption technique and its achievement with VC++ Programming Language
- 基于新型脉动阵列的RSA密码处理器 RSA Cryptoprocessor Based on a Redesigned Systolic Array
- 大整数因子分解新算法及对RSA密码制的解密 A Novel Calculation Method for the Factorization of Large Integral Numbers and the Decoding of the RSA Cryptosystem
- 在软件设计上给出了Berkely套节字技术和基于SNMP上的程序实现。 In the designation of the software, The BSD sockets technology has been given and the implementation of the program has also beendesigned.
- 网络安全中的密码技术研究及其应用 Research and Application of Cryptogram Technology in Network Security
- 值可以是由Web应用程序实现程序定义的任意有效的整数。 The value can be any valid integer as defined by the Web application implementor.
- 关于天使企业和他的盟友使用的数据密码技术方法的理解。 Understanding of the data encryption methods used by the Angel Cartel and its allies.
- SNMP中基本编码规则的程序实现 Programming for Basic Encoding Rules of SNMP
- 使用程序设计技术和专门的机器性能,使一个计算机系统执行为另一个计算机系统写的程序 the use of programming techniques and special machine features to permit a computing system to execute programs written for another system
- 当中涉及的技术包括软件技术、硬件技术、密码技术及解释技术。 The skills involved are software skills, hardware skills, cryptographic skills and interpretative skills.
- 在线答疑室技术的实现 Realization of On-Line Answering Room Technology
- 一种语言中的标准特性在另外一种语言中可能只能通过代码生成程序实现。 What is available as a standard feature of one language may be available only through a code-generating program in another language.
- 公开金钥密码技术标准 PKCS Public Key Cryptograph Standard
- 一维搜索的程序实现 The program of Liner search
- 密码以纯文本的形式存储在源代码和经过编译的程序集中。 The password is stored in plain text in source code and in the compiled assembly.
- 技术的试卷自动排版系统的实现 Realization of Test paper Automatic Typesetting in MS. Word Using VBA
- 由shell自身在内部实现的,而不是有文件系统中的某个可执行程序实现的命令。 A command that is implemented internally by the shell itself, rather than by an executable program somewhere in the file system.
- 量子密码技术及应用模型 Quantum Cryptography and It's Application Model