- Quaternary编码 Quaternary code
- 主要讨论了在基于四元三角网 ( Quaternary Triangular mesh,简称 QTM)球面层次格网剖分的基础上 ,通过单元递归细化来确定 2个球面实体的空间关系。 Determining spatial relation between two spherical objects is approached in this paper by recursive refine based on QTM (Quaternary Triangular Mesh) hierarchical partition.
- 将情报编码 to code information
- 混合采用QSPR和BSPR技术,构建了QBSPR(Quaternary-Binary-search on Prefix Range)IPv4路由查找流水线,QBSPR IPv6路由查找流水线,和QBSPR IPv4/IPv6双协议栈路由查找流水线。 With BSPR following QSPR, QBSPR-based TCAM IPv4 routing lookup pipeline, QBSPR-based TCAM IPv6 routing lookup pipeline, and QBSPR-based TCAM IPv4/IPv6dual-stack routing lookup pipeline are constructed.
- 极性编码 polarity encoding
- 为了确保安全,我们应该对信息进行编码。 We should encode the message for security reasons.
- URL编码 URL code
- WBS编码 WBS code
- x树编码 X-tree coding
- 较短的编码在索引时要先于长的编码。 Shorter codes lexicographically precede longer codes.
- 信息编码系统中每个字符的比特数。 The number of bits in each character of an information coding system.
- 盲编码 blind coding
- 链编码 chain code
- 编码元 coded target
- 编码域 coding domain
- DNA编码 DNA encoding
- PCM编码 PCM coding
- EZW编码 embedded zerotree wavelet(EZW) coding
- 编码嚣 encoder
- 编码软件 Sonic Foundry Soft Encode DTS