- QoS多播路由技术进展 Progress of QoS Multicast Routing
- Internet中QoS多播路由技术研究 The Research on QoS-based Multicast Routing Techniques in Internet
- 基于IP网络QoS多播路由技术的研究 Studies on QoS Multicast Routing Technology in IP Networks
- QoS动态多播路由协议 QoS-Aware Dynamic Multicast Routing Protocol
- QoS多播路由动态组管理技术 Managing Group Dynamics Approaches for QoS Multicast Routing
- 多播路由的超图法 Hypergraph Method in Clustering Multicasting Routing in Ad Hoc Networks
- 心功能检查及其最新技术进展 The heart function check and its new technology
- 满意QoS多播服务树 SCTP
- "我独自去旅游,我可以决定什么时候出发上路,在什么地方多玩一会儿。" "Travelling on my own, I can decide when to start on my way and where to linger a little longer."
- 一种Linux下多播路由MIB的实现 An Implementation of Multicast Routing MIB on Linux
- 时分多址技术 TDMA
- "热土豆" 式路由选择 hot potato routing
- 多种技术方法 Various technique and method
- 路由控制器 path control deivce
- 路由迹寻算法 route tracing algorithm
- 电缆路由选择 cable routing
- 线性多路传输 linear multiplex
- 虫蚀路由 wormhole routing
- 电报多路复用 telegram multiplex
- 无线多跳链路 wireless multi-hop kinks