- QT延长 Long QT
- Dau能明显延长QRS时间,轻度延长QT间期,QT延长主要是由于QRS时间延长所致,而它对JT间期的影响甚微。 QT Interval prolonged mainly due to an increase of the QRS duration. Dauricine had slight effect on the JT interval.
- 延长 prolong
- 延长时间 overtime
- 延长线 extension line
- 延长的 prolonged
- 延长寿命 life-saving
- Qt/E Qt/E
- QT-图 QT-graph
- Qt库 Qt library
- 延长使用寿命 increase of service life
- Qt/E Qt/E
- 延长期限 extension of maturity
- QT变异 QT interval variability
- 时间延长 time expand
- 一个正常情况下短音节的不规则的延长 The irregular lengthening of a normally short syllable.
- 他申请延长签证有效期。 He asked for an extension of his visa.
- 延长有效期 extend the expiration date
- 延长战争 protract a war
- 疼痛期延长。 The duration of pain was prolonged.