- QED是否还有新参数? Is There a New Parameter in QED
- 我们是否还有力量来抗击他们至高的权威? Will our strength remain If their power reigns?
- 当然也还有新问题,还需要继续解决。 Of course new problems will crop up and have to be tackled.
- 新参数|(dX_p)/(dL)|与材料韧脆关系的研究 The Relationship Between a New Parameter |dX_p|dL and Toughness of Meterials
- 假如我万一考砸了,我是否还有资格补考一次? If I should fail, am I entitled to a makeup exam?
- 对流层条件下的硫酸-氨水三重成核比率的新参数 New Parameterization of Sulfuric Acid-Ammonia-Water Ternary Nucleation Rates at Tropospheric Conditions
- 是否还有勇气去爱? Do we still have the courage to love?
- 只要打进新参数,再按一下这个钮,告诉我们要哪个号? Just type in the new parameters and press this button. Tell me which size do you want?
- 我怀疑她是否还健在。 I'm doubtful whether she's still alive.
- 安徽地区地震波衰减、场地响应及震源新参数的测定 The determination of seismic wave attenuation, site response and source parameters in Anhui area
- 布赖恩常常加班,并且晚上还有兼职,他一定在发财了。 Brian works overtime and has an evening job; he must be coining it.
- TBS是降低骨折及非骨折患者间骨密度区域重叠的新参数 TBS is a New Parameter Aimed at Decreasing the Overlap in Areal Bone Mineral Density Values Between Fractured and Non Fractured Patients
- 考虑到可能来一场暴风雪,我不知道该观点是否还正确。 I wonder if that view is justified in the light of a possible snowstorm.
- 资料片发布时是否有新的服务器开放? Will new realms be opened when the expansion is released?
- 不要得意忘形,你还有很长的路要走。 Don't be above yourself. You still have a long way to go.
- 一种研究通信网络容错性的新参数--点韧性度的理论综述 A New Parameter of Studying Communication Networks Fault Tolerance Measure --Vertex Tenacity Theory Survey
- 迈克把脑袋伸出窗外,看看是否还在下雨。 Mike poked his nose out of the window to see if it was still raining.
- 胡先生:只要打进新参数,再一下这个钮,告诉我们要哪个号? Just type in the new parameters and press this button. Tell me which size do you want?
- 我怀疑该作者是否还活着。 I am doubtful whether the author is still alive.
- 要求参数值。请在向调用参数列表添加新参数之前指定一个值。 A literal value is required. Please specify a value before adding a new parameter to the invocation parameter list.