- Coons曲面片 coons patch
- QCT-Coons曲面片 QCT-Coons patch
- 双线性Coons曲面在平面交叉口竖向设计中的应用 Application of bilinear Coons surface to design of intersection
- 片 sheet
- 用双三次COONS曲面拟合椭球面的设计用FORTRAN77编写,包括一个主程序和三个子程序(vw,aa和mat)。 The design of fitting ellip soid with bicubic COONS curve surface is written in FORTRAN77,which includes one main program and three subroutines(vw,aaand mat ).
- 爱情片 affectional film
- 混合Coons类曲面 mixed class Coons patch
- 伦理片 ethical film
- Coons曲面 Coons surface
- 薯片 chips
- QCT骨密度测量羟磷灰石等效液体体模的研制 Development of the Liquid Phantom Equivalent to the Solid Phantom Made of Hydroxyapatite Used in QCT Bone Densitometry
- 应用QCT探索骨质疏松症诊断及分级诊断标准 Diagnosis of osteoporosis by using single energy QCT
- 正片 positive
- 基于线性Coons曲面模型的平面交叉口立面设计方法 Vertical design method of intersection based on bilinear Coons surface model
- 长片 feature film
- 片尾 tail leader
- Coons曲面在汽车前照灯多曲面反射镜设计中的应用 Design of multi-surface reflector headlamp using Coons surface
- 毛片 pinaculum
- 膜片 mebrane
- 拍片 shooting