- Q-T间期延长综合征 Jervell and Lange-Nielsen syndrome
- 耳聋Q-T间期延长综合征 deafness Q-T interval prolongation syndrome
- 1例Q-T间期延长综合征致心脏骤停成功复苏的急救护理 First aid of a patient with cardiac arrest caused by prolonged Q-T interval syndrome
- 工人接触后心电图指标与接触前自身比较,出现心率减慢、P?R间期和Q?T间期延长及血压下降。 Their heart rates slowed down, P R and Q T intervals prolonged and blood pressure reduced after exposure, as compared with those before exposure.
- QT间期延长综合征 long QT syndrome; LQTS
- Q-T延长综合征 long Q-T syndrome; prolonged Q-T syndrome; syndrome of Q-T prolongation
- 月经期 menses
- 楼梯间 stair well
- QT延长综合征 Long QT syndrome
- Q-T间期 Q-T interval
- 杂物间 utility room
- 她将围裙系在腰间。 She tied an apron around her waist.
- 先天性Q-T延长综合征 congenital Q-T prolongation syndrome
- 淋浴间 shower compartment
- 他们为度假租了一间小屋。 They rented a cabin for their vacation.
- 随着丙酮浓度的增大或温度的降低,诱导期延长。 The induction period elongated as acetone concentraionincreased and temperature decreasd.
- 我们订了一间双人房。 We reserved a double room.
- 胎生期外源性甾体激素暴露综合征 embryofuta exogeneous sex steroid exposure syndrome
- 延长建筑规约期的修订 modification to extend building covenant
- 校正Q-T间期 Q-Tc interval