- P肥 K fertilizer
- 氮磷配施对坡地谷子吸N,P量及土壤养分流失影响的研究表明:(1)N,P肥的不同配比均能增加谷子对N,P的吸收,增施P对N吸收的效果较高于增施N对P的吸收; The research results about the absorbed N,P amount of millet and soil nutrient loss as affected by different N,P treatments in slopeland reveals follow as: (1) The different N,P treatments might P were higher than P effects under only supplied N;
- 肥 fat
- 对花生籽仁品质的改善作用,P肥最大,其次是N和Ca肥,K肥的作用不明显,施K肥过多(K450)还会明显降低脂肪含量。 The improvement action of fertilizer on kernel quality,P was the biggest,secondly were N and Ca,and K was indistinctly,over application of K fertilizer(K_(450)) could decrease the fat content of peanut kernel.
- 在试验条件下,普那菊苣产量要达到83390.38kg/ha,种植密度应为64253窝/ha,配施N肥为331.05kg/ha,K肥为58.8kg/ha,P肥为256.05kg/a,达到普那菊苣高产目的。 The yield of puna chicory can reach 83390.41kg per hectare,under the trial condition which planting density is 64253 cave per hectare,fertilizing nitrogenous fertilizer quantity is 331.05kg per acre and potassium quantity is 58.8kg per hectare and phosphate fertilizer quantity is 256.05kg per hectare. So the objective of puna chicory high yield was realized.
- 田间试验在缺磷土壤中进行,调查各DH系以及它们的亲本在-P(不施P肥)和+P(60kgP/hm-2)条件下的籽粒产量、生物量、每株穗数、磷吸收效率和磷利用效率。 A field experiment was carried out on Pdeficient soil to investigate grain yield, biomass, numbers of spikes per plant (SPP), P uptake efficiency(PUpE), and P utilization efficiency (PUtE) of the DH lines and their parents under -P (nil P applied) and +P(60 kg P/hm2 applied) at maturity.
- 增肥 getting fat
- "pin"中"p"的送气发音 the aspiration of "p" in "pin"
- 肥佬 lard-bucket
- 他在文件上签上姓名的首字母G.P.S。 He initialed the paper G.P.S.
- 肥仔 fat guy
- p-n 结 p-n junction
- 肥肥 fat
- P phosphorus (P)
- P圈 P-cycle
- P型 p-type
- 经过一个夏天,连最差的牛羊在这里也长得又肥又壮了。 After a summer here the poorest sheep and cattle grow strong and fat.
- P光 p-component
- 养肥 fat up
- P群 p-group