- The remedial program of tumour of larynx tit shape. 喉乳头状瘤的治疗方案.
- Puncture of larynx 喉部穿刺术
- Not all white appearance of vocal cords are leukoplakaia of larynx. 声带白色样病变并非全部为喉白斑病。
- Puncture of a vein, as for drawing blood, intravenous feeding, or administration of medicine. 静脉穿刺对静脉的穿刺,如为抽血、静脉给食或施用药物
- Puncture of a vein,as for drawing blood,intravenous feeding,or administration of medicine. 静脉穿刺对静脉的穿刺,如为抽血、静脉给食或施用药物
- No complications oc cured, such as unintentional puncture of carotid artery and pneumothorax. 且无 1例出现误穿颈动脉和气胸等穿刺并发症 ;
- We calculate survival rate and evaluate the function of larynx according to the stage. 计算生存率和评估喉功能恢复情况。
- The significance of the puncture of bone marrow in diagnosing leukemia for the dairy cattle. 骨髓穿刺术在诊断奶牛白血病中的意义。
- The present paper has been written her norphological structure of larynx of an adul female southern elephant seal. 对一头雌性南象海豹的喉做了解剖和测量。
- Objective:To provide anatomical bases for percutaneous puncture of subclavian vein for approaching the heart. 目的:为锁骨下静脉穿刺的心脏介入通路提供解剖学依据。
- Objective: To improve the diagnostic competence for amyloidosis of larynx both clinically and radiologically. 目的:提高对喉淀粉样变的临床及影像学诊断水平。
- Objective:To understand the rare malignant tumours of larynx and hypopharynx and collect clinical information. 目的:增加对喉及下咽部少见肿瘤的认识,为临床积累资料。
- Objective: To establish a high accuracy and easy control puncture of lateral ventricle anterior hom. 目的:建立准确性高、易掌握的侧脑室额角定位与穿刺方法。
- Objective:To study the effect and virtue of minimally invasive operation of larynx with mucosa reserved. 目的:研究全麻下喉微创手术治疗声带良性病变的疗效及优点。
- We consider that precise diagnosis and radical resection of leukoplakic lesion of larynx is rather essential. 我们认为,对于喉部黏膜的白斑病变,正确的诊断与彻底的手术切除是必要的。
- Objective To compare the successful rate of two methods of arterial puncture of cephalic arteria and arteria femoralis for blood gas analysis. 目的比较头皮动脉穿刺和股动脉穿刺两种方法采血进行血气分析检查的穿刺成功率。
- Methods: Reconstruction of larynx by the epiglottis cartilage was performed in 32 patients after partial laryngectomy. 方法:行喉部分切除术后用会厌软骨行喉成形术32例。
- Acupuncture on right superior Ba-Xie and YangLao points, joined puncture of WaiGuan and NeiGuan, Hand SanLi, QuChi, total nine points: 2. 我们的治疗最主要是(l)先针刺同侧上八邪及养老、外关透内关、手三里、曲池等八针九穴;
- There were 2 cases (0.1%) of post-operative tracheotomy because of larynx edema. 术后因喉头水肿而行气管切开2例(0.;1%25)。
- How can I persuade you of my sincerity? 我如何能够让你相信我的诚意?