- Porphyra ramosissima n. 多枝紫菜
- Development of Specific Molecular Markers for Porphyra Lines. 紫菜无性系特异分子标记的获得。
- Any of several dried, edible seaweeds of the genera Porphyra(the red algae) and Ulva(the green algae). 紫菜任一种紫菜属(红藻)和石藻属(绿藻)的晒干的、可食用海草
- The results showed that the drought resistant capability decreased in order of Tamarix ramosissima Ldb. 结果表明,3树种抗旱性大小顺序依次为:红柳>侧柏>合头草。
- The Application of RAPD markers in diversity detection and variety identification of porphyra. RAPD标记在紫菜遗传多样性检测和种质鉴定中的应用。
- Three kinds of wall breaking methods were used to release phycoerythrin (PE) from Porphyra yezoensis. 以条斑紫菜为原料,研究反复冻融法、溶胀法和脉冲超声法等破壁方法对条斑紫菜藻红蛋白提取效果的影响。
- Porphyra is a kind of economic marine alga and has b een playing an important role in cultivation of seaweeds. 紫菜是重要的经济海藻,在海藻栽培业中的地位非常重要。
- The results showed that the drought resistant capability decreased in order of Tamarix ramosissima Ldb., Platycladus orientalis and Sympegma regelii. 结果表明,3树种抗旱性大小顺序依次为:红柳>侧柏>合头草。
- Objective To analyze the property of natural polysaccharides (P) from Porphyra haitanensis T.J.Chang et B.F. 摘要目的分析坛紫菜多糖及其降解产品的性质,测定其对免疫细胞增殖的影响。
- The picture shows the dead wood and leaves of T. ramosissima and the white crystal is salt which accumulates by the secreting of the plant. 此为多枝柽柳冠下枯枝落叶与土壤的一部分,尖端白色结晶为盐结晶。
- The research provides reference for the exploitation of new health tea beverage using the porphyra. 该复合茶饮料清香纯正,酸甜适中,为开发紫菜新型茶饮料提供了依据。
- Porphyra,a model system of marine algae,is economically important and valuable for theoretical study. 紫菜是一类海洋藻类研究的模式系统,具有重要的经济价值和理论研究意义。
- Extraction of phycoerythrin from porphyra yezoensis by pulsed ultrasound was studied. 以条斑紫菜为原料,采用脉冲超声波提取藻红蛋白。
- The meiosis in Porphyra is an important theoretical basis for breeding and genetic studies. 摘要紫菜的减数分裂是紫菜育种和遗传研究的重要理论基础。
- Tamarix ramosissima sand-hillocks in the Lop Nur Lake region of southern Xinjiang are mainly distributed in the deltas of the Tarim River, Kongque River, Miran River, etc. 罗布泊地区的红柳沙包主要分布在塔里木河、孔雀河、米兰河等三角洲地带。
- The GC contents of the entire region of the GapA cDNA(64.2% ) were similar the average GC content(65.2%) which was obtained by Porphyra EST analysis. 条斑紫菜GapA的cDNA序列中GC 含量很高(64.;2%25);与紫菜EST分析中得到的结果(65
- Objective Polysaccharide fractions F1, F2 and F3 were prepared from Porphyra haitanensis by hot-water extraction and DEAE-cellulose chromatography. 目的:坛紫菜多糖分级组分F1、F2和F3是从坛紫菜中通过热水提取及DEAE-纤维素层析得到的3个多糖组分。
- Porphyra polysaccharide has been widely applied to food,medicine,zoo nutrition industry etc because of its special biological functions. 紫菜多糖具有多种独特的生物学功能,在食品、医药、动物营养等领域具有广阔的应用前景。
- In the paper, the processing technology of semidry seasoned instant laver food was introduced, using Porphyra yezoensis as raw material. 摘要以条斑紫菜为加工原料,探讨半干调味即食紫菜的加工过程和关键工艺技术。
- AIM: To analyze the property of the polysaccharide PY4 from \%Porphyra yezoensis\% and to study its effects on proliferation of lymphocytes. 目的:分析紫菜多糖的性质,测定其对免疫细胞增殖的影响。