- Ees conducted the study for his PhD dissertation at the Uniersity of Alberta. 这种联用效果降低了患者练习时滞留肺部的空气数量。
- Today, I handed my PhD dissertation, which I have spent the past year researching and writing full-time. 今天,我上交了我的博士论文,我花了半年的时间做调查来写这篇论文。
- Chen, Yueh-Sheng. Development of a multiple-lumen nerve cuff utilizing growth stimulant patterns for controlled regeneration. Iowa State University, PHD dissertation 1998. 胡正利:针刺及电针对经矽胶管修护之截断大鼠坐骨神经再生影响之评估。中国医药学院,硕士论文,台中,1998.
- In the PhD dissertation, we study nonlinear phenomena of one-dimensional lattices and Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC) by using multiple-scale method combined with quasi-discreteness approximation. 本文中,我们主要通过多重尺度并结合准离散性近似方法研究一维晶格和玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚态(BEC)中的非线性现象。
- The object of this research is the five reward-gainers of the excellent PhD dissertations, including three in the national range and two in Hubei province. 本文的研究对象为武汉市两所高校五位优秀博士学位论文获得者,其中包括三位全国优秀博士学位论文获得者和两位湖北省优秀博士学位论文获得者;
- She's presently working on her PhD. 她目前在攻读哲学博士学位。
- I'm working my notes up into a dissertation. 我正在把我的笔记修改成论文。
- I have not yet footnoted my dissertation. 我还没有给我的论文加上脚注。
- A Hofmeyr.An Immunological Model of Distributed Detection and Its Application to Computer Security[D][PhD Dissertation],.Albuquerque,NM:The University of New Mexico,1999 贾志平;杨武;云晓春.;一个分布式高效网络入侵检测系统
- PhD dissertation 博士学位论文
- Susan took a two-month leave of absence to finish her dissertation. 为了完成论文,苏珊请了两个月的假。
- Zheng, Y., 2005, Development of Lunar Soil Simulants and Study of Characteristics of Microwave Radiation of Lunar Regolith, PhD Dissertation of the Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2005 郑永春2005,“模拟月壤研制与月壤的微波辐射特性研究”,中国科学院研究生院博士学位论文,2005
- My intention is to apply for a PhD. 我想申请博士学位。
- It provides programs up to PhD level. 她可提供直到博士学位的课程。
- Did he take long to write his dissertation? 你花了很久的时间写博士论文吗?
- Why do you want to go to the US for PhD? 他不喜欢听大话,要说的具体,可信。要说明你为什么去。
- Now I am allowed to prefix the title of PhD. 我现在获准在名字前面加上“哲学博士”的头衔。
- She keeps plugging away at her dissertation. 她一直坚持不懈地写论文。
- She's presentlyworking on her PhD. 她目前在攻读哲学博士学位。
- Do you apply any other school? Why pursue phd? 你有无同学在此校就读。