- PbO-B2O3-ZnO玻璃 PbO-B2O3-ZnO glass
- 掺铒TeO_2-B_2O_3-Nb_2O_5-ZnO玻璃系统的光谱性质和热稳定性的研究 Investigation on spectral properties and thermal stability of Er~(3+) doped TeO_2-B_2O_3-Nb_2O_5-ZnO glasses
- Bi2O3-B2O3-ZnO-Al2O3玻璃 Bi2O3-B2O3-ZnO-Al2O3 glass
- ZnO-B2O3-PO5 ZnO-B2O3-PO5
- 他将玻璃杯子倒置。 He turned the glass upside down.
- B2O3 flux B2O3
- B2O3掺杂 B2O3 addition
- 他对着石块把玻璃碗砸得粉碎。 He dashed the glass bowl to bits on a rock.
- B2O3/ZrO2 B2O2/ZrO2
- 她的伞的顶端装有一个玻璃圆头。 Her umbrella is capped with a glass knob.
- B2O3助熔剂 B2O3 Fluxing Agent
- 玻璃是一种透明物。 Glass is a transparent material.
- TiO2-B2O3-C系 TiO2-B2O3-C system
- 玻璃有光滑的表面。 Glass has a smooth surface.
- CaO-B2O3-SiO2 CaO-B2O3-SiO2
- 在窗上嵌玻璃 pane a window
- B2O3/γ-Al2O3 B2O3/γ-Al2O3
- 我汽车上的挡风玻璃在夜里结上了霜花。 The windshield of my car frosted over during the night.
- Na2O-CaO-B2O3 Na2O-CaO-B2O3
- 她把玻璃酒杯一个套一个放在格箱里。 She nested the glass tumblers in a crate.