- Parnassius cephalus erlaensis n. 元首绢蝶乌兰亚种
- Parnassius cephalus dengkiaoping n. 元首绢蝶藏南亚种
- Parnassius cephalus cephalus n. 元首绢蝶指名亚种
- Parnassius cephalus pythia n. 元首绢蝶藏西亚种
- Parnassius cephalus irene n. 元首绢蝶青中亚种
- Parnassius cephalus weissi n. 元首绢蝶祁连亚种
- Parnassius cephalus elwesi n. 元首绢蝶康定亚种
- Parnassius cephalus takenakai n. 元首绢蝶玉龙亚种
- Parnassius cephalus n. 元首绢蝶
- Parnassius cephalus micheli n. 元首绢蝶青西亚种
- Parnassius cephalus sengei n. 元首绢蝶岷山亚种
- I don't know why Tom acts so pally as Cephalus toProcris.I hardly know him. 我不明白汤姆为什么对我表现出如此执着的亲热,我几乎对他一无所二知。
- The husband showed great fidelity to his wife, as Cephalus to Procris. (那位丈夫对妻子真是意笃情深。)
- Cephalus, when weary of the chase, was wont to stretch himself in certain shady nook to enjoy the breeze. 刻法洛斯打猎打累了的时候,总要到某个阴凉处躺下吹吹风。
- What sort of a man is Cephalus? A good man, perhaps, but is he wise? What is his view of the passions? 塞伐洛斯是怎样的人?好人,还是一位智者?他对受难的看法?
- Any of various freshwater fishes of the family Cyprinidae related to the carps and minnows,especially a Eurasian species,Leuciscus cephalus. 白首鲤一种相关于鲤鱼和鲦鱼的鲤科淡水鱼,尤指欧亚品种,圆鳍雅罗鱼
- Any of various freshwater fishes of the family Cyprinidae related to the carps and minnows, especially a Eurasian species, Leuciscus cephalus. 白首鲤一种相关于鲤鱼和鲦鱼的鲤科淡水鱼,尤指欧亚品种,圆鳍雅罗鱼
- Fang Y Q,Weng Y Z,Hu X X,et al.Immunohistochemical localization of endocrine cells in gastrointestinal tract of Mugil cephalus[J].Journal of Fisheries of China,2002,26(6):481-485. [5]方永强;翁幼竹;胡晓霞;等.;鲻鱼胃肠道内分泌细胞免疫组织化学的定位[J]
- Parnassius epaphus ssp. n. 依帕绢蝶青海亚种
- chub | [Latin] Leuciscus cephalus 圆鳍雅罗鱼