- Pandora blunckii n. 布伦克虫疠霉
- Pandora hastened to replace the lid. 潘多拉赶快捂上盖子。
- The first woman's name was Pandora. 第一个女人名叫潘朵拉。
- Pandora quickly put the lid back on, but too late. 潘朵拉迅速地把盖子盖回去,但太迟了。
- Princess Kaguya Opens Pandora's Box? 只有“妈妈”没有“爸爸”"辉夜姬"打开潘多拉魔盒?
- The Pandora's box of biotech is wide open. 生物技术的潘多拉魔盒已经洞开。
- To open a Pandora's box of nuclear proliferation. 打开核扩散的潘多拉盒子。
- Some people think Pandora's box is just a myth. 有些人认为,潘朵拉的盒子只是个虚构的神话。
- Pandora followed closely behind. 潘多拉紧跟其后。
- This first human of the fair sex was named Pandora. 这人类中的第一位女性名叫潘多拉。
- And Pandora is a horse unlike most. 潘朵拉是一匹与众不同的马。
- Her curiosity opened up Pandora's Box. 她的好奇打开了潘多拉的宝盒。
- Lunatic Pandora's expected course. 疯狂潘多拉的预期路线。
- Pandora was seized with an eager curiosity to know what this jar contained; and one day she slipped off the cover and looked in. 潘多拉对这瓮产生了强烈的好奇心,非常想知道里面装着什么东西。有一天,她推开了瓮盖,想看个究竟。
- Pandora's Box is a treasure. You'll pollute the environment. 月光宝盒是宝物,你把他扔掉会污染环境。
- Pandora’s Box is a treasure. You’ll pollute the environment. 月光宝盒是宝物,你把他扔掉会污染环境。
- And he said to Pandora, @Don't lift the lid of the box. 他对潘朵拉说:“千万不可以打开这个箱子的盖子。”
- Pandora was sent to the earth and was presented to Epimetheus. 潘朵拉被派到人间送给伊比米修斯。
- But one day Pandora lifted the lid to see what was inside. 但有一天,潘朵拉打开盖子看看里面有什么东西。
- Localization and Corruption: Panacea or Pandora's Box? 地方化与腐败:是灵丹妙药还是潘多拉的魔盒?