- PZT纳米晶须 PZT nanowhisker
- 溶胶-凝胶法制备PZT纳米晶反应机理 Reaction mechanism of synthesizing PZT nano-crystalline powder by sol-gel process
- 水热合成PZT纳米晶粉末烧结性及机理的研究 Study on Sintering Property and Mechanism of Hydrothermal Synthesis PZT Nanocrystalline Powders
- 纳米晶须 nanowhisker
- PZT纳米结构 PZT nano- films
- 氧化锌纳米晶须 ZnO nanowhisker
- 晶须 crystal whisker
- 钛酸盐纳米晶须 titanate nano fiber
- ZnO纳米晶 ZnO nanocrystal
- 纳米晶镍 nanocrystalline nickel
- CdS纳米晶 CdS nanocrystal
- 使用小比例掺量纳米粒子及晶须对PP-R树脂的力学改性研究 PP-R Polymer Reinforced in Mechanics by a Small Quantity of Nanometer Particles and Whiskers
- 纳米晶化 nanocrystallization
- 纳米晶铜 nanocrystalline copper
- 纳米CaSO4晶须 nano-calcium sulfate whisker
- Ge纳米晶 Ge nanocrystals
- 金纳米晶 gold nanocrystals
- 纳米β-碳化硅晶须 Nano-meter β-carborundum Whisker
- 纳米晶种 nanosized seeds
- 铟纳米晶 indium nanocrystal