- 内 internal
- 热塑性塑料注塑制品内应力分析 Analysis of Inner Stress of Thermoplastic Injection Products
- 材料 makings
- 硅掺杂PMS-PZT材料的晶界行为对畴结构和压电性能的影响 Domain Morphology and Piezoelectric Properties of Si-doped PMS-PZT Piezoelectric Ceramics Affected by Grain Boundary Action
- 木质材料中动弹模量色散关系的分析 Analyses of Dispersion Relations of Dynamic Elastic Modulus in the Wood Materials
- 内的 inner
- 摘要淬火过程中的快速冷却在工件内部产生的内应力是导致淬火变形的根本原因。 The inner stress produced by quick cooling during quenching is the basic reason of formation of quench-distortion of parts.
- 运用XRD、TEM、EDS等实验手段,研究了Si离子掺杂对PMS-PZT材料的相结构、微观结构以及电畴形貌的影响. The microstructure, phase properties and domain morphology of Si-doped PMS-PZT ceramics were investigated by using X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscope (TEM) and energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS).
- SD附着体固位远中游离端可摘局部义齿三维有限元应力分析 Three-dimensional finite element analysis of SD attachment retained distal-extension removable partial denture
- 重要的是要记得,非均匀变形材料中的声波不可能是平面波。 It is important to recall that a sound wave in a nonhomogeneously deformed material cannot be a plane wave.
- 内应力状态 interior state
- 三维体外血管新生模型中内皮细胞基因表达变化的芯片分析 Gene expression profiling of microvascular endothelial cells during capillary morphogenesis in an in vitro model of angiogenesis
- 内应力释放 internal stresses release
- 气相色谱-质谱法测定动物性食品及生物材料中的克伦特罗残留 Determination of clenbuterol residues in animal foods and biological materials by gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric method
- 相似材料中光纤传感检测特性分析 Transmission Character Analysis of Fiber Optical Sensing in Similar Material of Simulation Experiments
- 硼碳氮薄膜的内应力研究 Inner Stress of Boron Carbon Nitride Thin Films
- 增塑剂加入塑料或其它材料中使其柔软或易弯或保持其柔软或易弯性的各种物质之一 Any of various substances added to plastics or other materials to make or keep them soft or pliable.
- 气缸套内应力测量方法初探 Initial Discussion of Measurement of Internal Stress for Cylinder Sleeve
- 可视化技术在水轮发电机热变形及热应力分析计算中的应用 Application of visual technology in thermal deformation and stress analysis of hydroelectric generator