- PXI软件规范 PXI Software Specification
- 软件规范 Software specification
- 基于CCS的软件规范描述及实例研究 Software Specification Description and Analysis of Instance Based on CCS
- 规范 standard
- 轨道交通火灾自动报警系统软件规范设计 The Standard Software Desigh of Fire Alarm System in the Track Traffic
- 精通C语言编程,具有良好的软件规范编程习惯。 Master at least one PCB layout software, good at PROTELL is a plus.
- 规范的 canonical
- PXI PCI extensions for instrumentation (PXI)
- PXI总线 PXI bus
- 道德规范 ethics
- PXI平台 PXI Platform
- 技术规范 engineering data
- PXI总结 PXI bus
- 不规范 lack of standardization
- PXI机箱 PXI chasis
- 我们委托一家广告公司替我们推销新软件。 We hired an advertising company to help us sell our new software.
- 不规范的 nonstandard
- PXI系统 PXI system
- 行为规范 behavioral norms