- PTT/PET双组分长丝织物 woven fabrics of PTT/PET bi-component filament
- PTT/PET双组分长丝 PTT/PET bi-component filament
- 轻薄型吸湿排汗长丝织物的开发 Development of moisture absorption and sweat volatility filament light fabric
- 双组分热管 two-component heat pipe
- 锦香锻(色织提花仿丝织物) jin-Xiang satin
- 爱斯波义耳粘胶长丝织物 Espoir
- 提升管内气固两相双组分颗粒流动的离散颗粒硬球模型的模拟 Numerical simulation of flow behavior of gas-solid binary of particlesin riser with hard-sphere discrete particle model
- 双面高收缩涤纶丝织物的开发 Development of Double-faced High-shrinkage Polyester Fabric
- 双组分信号系统 Two component signaling components
- "你问了修理需要多长时间吗?" "问了,但是工头不在,修理工不知道。" "Did you ask how long the repair would take?" "Yes, but the foreman wasn't there, and the mechanic couldn't say."
- 6个小时飞下来,我的双脚肿得非常厉害,连鞋也穿不上了。 At the end of the six-hour flight, I couldn't get my feet into my shoes as they had swollen so much.
- 烷不溶物 heptane insoluble matter
- 指接材双组分胶粘剂的研制 Development of two-component adhesive applied to finger joint lumber
- 双组分高压无气喷涂泵的发展 Development of Two-component High-pressure Airless Spraying Pump
- 长距离大直径公路隧道双竖井送排式通风中风机影响的数值模拟 Numerical Simulation of Fan Influence in Long and Large Road Double-silo Tunnel Intake and Exhaust Ventilation Mode
- 塑钢型材用双组分氟碳漆的研制 Development of Two Component Fluorocarbon Coatings for Plastic- Clad Steel
- 据布斯拜洽斯底记述,君士坦丁堡有一个耶教青年,因为在玩笑中撑住了一只长喙鸟底嘴的缘故,差一点被人用石头打死了。 土耳其人爱物底程度有如此者。 in so much,as Busbechius reporteth; a Christian boy in Constantinople had like to have been stoned, for gagging, in a waggishness, a long billed fowl.
- 我厂双组分打胶机液压系统的改进 The improvement on the hydraulic system of sealant distributor for double-element in our factory
- 双组分制备级气相色谱分离过程的数值模拟 Numerical Simulation of the Separation Process of Two-Component Preparative Gas Chromatography
- 绿色环保型双组分聚氨酯建筑密封膏的研制 Development of environmentally-friendly two component polyurethane sealant