- PSV的模糊控制 Fuzzy Control of PSV
- RBF神经网络整定的模糊控制在二次调节控制系统中的应用 The Application of the Fuzzy Controller Rectified by RBF Neuro-Network in the Hydraulic Control System with Secondary Unit
- 工业燃煤链条锅炉的模糊控制 The fuzzy contril of an industrial chain steam boiler
- 油烟排放的模糊控制 The Fuzzy Control of Lampblack Giving Out
- 透视视角的模糊控制 Fuzzy Control of Visual Angle in Perspective
- 盾构姿态的模糊控制方法 Fuzzy Algorithm for Control of Shield Machine
- 电弧喷涂电流的模糊控制 Fuzzy Control System for Electric Arc Spraying Current
- 车削加工过程的模糊控制 Fuzzy Control in Turning Process
- 数字随动系统的模糊控制 Fuzzy Control of Digital Tracking System
- 烘丝感官质量的模糊控制 Fuzzy Control of Sensory Quality of Cut Tobacco During Drying
- 暖通空调的模糊控制研究 Fuzzy control study of heating and ventilation and air conditioning
- 路口交通的模糊控制研究 Research on Fuzzy Controlling of Traffic of Single Cross
- 我们将模糊控制理论应用于PID控制器的设计,给出了参数可调整的模糊PID控制器的设计方法。 We will use the fuzzy theory to the application of the PID controller design,and produced the fuzzy PID controller design method,in which the parameters might adjust.
- BP型神经网络的模糊控制 Fuzzy Control of BP Model Neural Network
- 焊接小车速度的模糊控制 Fuzzy Speed Control of Welding Dolly
- 自主水下航行器的模糊控制 Fuzzy Control of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
- 稳压器动态过程的模糊控制 Fuzzy Control of Pressurizer Dynamic Process
- 基于模式识别的模糊控制 fuzzy control based on mode identification
- 玻璃拉丝炉温度的模糊控制 Temperature Fuzzy Control of Glass Fiber Oven