- PLC编程语青 PLC programming language
- 青 9th of month (tele.)
- PLC编程 PLC Programming
- 循环可执行事件的PLC编程实现 Realization of Cyclic Performable Affairs by PLC Programme
- 双语 diglossia
- 韩语 Korean
- 时序图在PLC编程中的应用技巧 Application of Timing Sequence Diagram in PLC Programming
- 爱沙尼亚语 Estonian
- 希伯来语 Hebrew
- 青楼 whorehouse
- 罗马尼亚语 Romanian
- FX_(2N)系列PLC编程应用技巧 Skills of Programming Using FX_(2N) Series PLC
- 愤青 angry youth
- 芬兰语 Finnish (language)
- 会PLC编程及电气设计者优先考虑 Work experience in PLC programming, electrical design will be a plus
- 刺青 tattoo
- 波兰语 Polish (language)
- 青瓜 green cucumber
- 希腊语 Greek
- 顺序功能图编程在PLC编程中的应用 The Compiling Method of Sequence Function Ladder on the Application of PLC Programming