- PID调节无扰动重启 Bumpless Restart of PID Regulator
- 超高压有载调压变压器调节无功潮流 Extra High Voltage Tap-Transformer'Effect on Adjusting Reactive Power Flow
- PID调节 PID control
- 启 to open
- 串级PID调节方式 cascade PID adjusting mode
- 往复压缩机无扰动切换功能的实现 Realization of shift function of no disturb for reciprocating compressor
- 他没有意识到的是,接收器的设置重启后显示的是自身所在位置的坐标。 What the spotter didn't realize was that his plugger was programmed to display the coordinates of its own location upon rebooting.
- 调节 regulate
- 重装 reshipment
- 计算机控制中PID控制块的无扰动切换 Undisturbed switching of PID control block in computer control
- 飞剪机定尺控制系统的PID调节 PID adjustor in flying shear length control system
- 重置 reset
- 称重 to weigh
- 在无扰动惯性运动中,角动量是恒定的。 In undisturbed inertial motion, the angular momentum is constant.
- 重回 return
- 双PID调节 double PID adjustment
- 三重 treble
- 变参数PID调节的仿真研究 On the emulation of regulation of parametric variable PID
- 如何在RSLogix5的编程中实现PID调节器的无扰动切换 How to Realize Unperturbed Switchover of PID Adjuster in RSLogix 5 Programming
- 关机重启 cycle power