- 多变量强耦合时变系统的PID神经网络控制 PID Neural Network Control System of Multi-variable and Strong-coupled Time-varying System
- PID神经网络自适应控制在恒流系统中的应用 PID Neutral Network Self-Adaptive Control Applied on Invariable Current System
- 自适应PID神经网络 self-learning PIDNN
- 主动队列管理中的PID型神经网络控制 PID Type Neural Network Control for Active Queue Management
- 神经网络控制 neural network control
- T-S神经网络控制 T-S neural network control
- PID神经网络控制 PID neural network control
- 复合神经网络控制 composite ANN control
- 模糊神经网络控制 fuzzy neural network control
- 基于神经网络参数自整定PID的双臂机器人协调操作的轨迹跟踪控制 Trajectory Tracking Control of Two Cooperative Manipulators Through the Combination of Neural Network and PID Controller
- 模糊神经网络控制系统 Control Systems of Fuzzy Neural Network
- BP神经网络PID控制 BP Neural Network PID control
- 混沌系统的神经网络控制 Neural Network Control of Chaotic Systems
- 有源滤波器的神经网络控制 Active Power Filter with a Neural Network Controller
- 该方法将PID控制规律融入多层神经网络结构中,利用遗传算法来自适应寻优参数。 This method combines PID control law with neural network and adaptive optimizes parameters by genetic algorithm .
- 直流电机转速神经网络控制 Speed Control of a DC Motor Using Neural Networks
- 造纸过程的多层BP前向神经网络PID控制 The PID control of multiplayer BP forward nerve network of papermaking course
- 基于DSP的逆变器神经网络控制 Neural Network Control based on DSP for Inverter
- 火炮液压伺服系统神经网络非线性PID控制 The Neural Network Non-linear PID Control of the Rocket Launcher Hydraulic Servo System