- PDR处方药便宜导读 PDR Pocket Guide to Prescription Drugs
- 不便之处 discomfort
- 某处 somewhere
- 它是出乎意料的便宜。 It was surprisingly cheap.
- 柏林建筑导读 Guide to Architecture in Berlin
- 教导处 teaching and guiding office
- 应时水果最便宜。 Fruit is cheapest in season.
- 。。。处的。。。公司能提供你们需要的我方的各种情况。 Messrs ... of ... can give you any information you desire about me.
- 2006科隆家具展看点导读 Guide to Cologne Furniture Exhibition (2006)
- 谈深化高校图书馆的导读工作 Discussion on Deepening Work of Reading Tutoring in University Library
- 只卖五美元,那真是便宜。 At five dollars, it is a gift!
- 凹处 pocket
- 有时候她独自一人坐在幽暗处。 Sometimes she sits alone in the shadow.
- 多媒体触摸式图书馆导读系统的开发 Development of Library Navigation System of Multimedia Touch Screen
- 这种鞋批发出售通常要便宜得多。 Such shoes usually wholesale for much less.
- 这件夹克衫这么便宜,真划得来。 This jacket is a real bargain at such a low price.
- 外事处 Foreign Affairs Division
- 这种便宜的酒喝了会伤胃。 This cheap wine will rot your stomach.
- 他被处绞刑而死。 He died on the scaffold.
- 办公处 bureau