- PDC钻头布齿软件设计 Software design of tooth arrangement of PDC bit
- PDC钻头布齿方法研究 Research on the distribution of the teeth of PDC bits
- 一种PDC钻头布齿算法 Cutter Placement Algorithm of PDC Drill Bit
- 井底轨迹图CAD在牙轮钻头布齿设计中的应用 Application of the Bottom Hole Path CAD to the Rock Bit Insert Arrangement Design
- PDC钻头三维参数化布齿设计 The Three-dimensional Parameterized Teeth Placement Design of PDC Drill
- 软件设计公司 software Design Inc.
- PDC钻头等体积布齿设计计算方法探讨 Discussion of Numerical Calculation Method Applied in the Equal Volume Cutters'Distribution Design of PDC Bits
- 软件设计方法论 software methodology
- 布齿密度 cutter density
- 软件设计模式 design patterns
- 模拟深井条件下的PDC钻头破岩试验研究 Experimental Study on The PDC Bit under The Simulated Deep Well Condition
- 软件设计移植部 software design and migration department
- PDC钻头 PDC bit
- 软件设计开发方式 ways of software design and development
- 混合切削结构PDC钻头简论 Discussion on hybrid cutting structure PDC drill bits
- 窗口软件设计工具 widget
- 钢体PDC钻头修复技术之研究 Research on Repair Technique of Steel Body PDC Bit
- 计算机辅助软件设计 computer-aided software engineering
- PDC钻头配合可钻浮箍钻井技术 Drilling Techniques on PDC Bit Combination with Drillable Collar
- 在软件设计中把OPC服务器嵌入虚拟DCS,直接从DPU中获得对象数据。 In software design,the OPC server is embedded into virtual DCS to obtain the object data from the virtual DPU directly.