- PCR融合基因 PCR
- 卵泡抑制素与乙肝表面抗原融合基因表达质粒的构建及表达 Construction of expression vector of follicular inhibin and HBsAg fusion gene and expression in Hela cell
- 融合 inosculate
- 应用筑巢式RT-PCR检测BCR-ABL融合基因的探讨 Study of detecting BCR/ABL fusion gene by using nest RT PCR
- 采用RT-PCR法检测CML细胞ber/abl融合基因。 The RT-PCR methed was used to amplify bcr/abl fuse gene of CML.
- 造血干细胞移植后白血病细胞遗传学和融合基因表达临床意义 Significance of leukemia genetics and fusion gene expression after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
- 微注射MT-hGH融合基因后小鼠原核卵体外发育和移植的研究 Study on the Development in Vitro and Transfer of Mouse Pronuclear Eggs Following MT-hGH Fusion Gene-Microinjection
- bcr-abl融合基因阳性原发性血小板增多症一例报道并文献复习 Bcr-abl gene positive essential thrombocythemia: one case report and literature review
- TPSP融合基因 TPSP fusion gene
- 三价融合基因 Trivalent genes
- NS1A融合基因 fused gene NS1A
- 融合基因ctxAB fusion gene ctxAB
- hKDR融合基因 hKDR fusion gene
- 融合基因疫苗 Fusion genetic vaccine
- bet-ab1融合基因 bcr-ab1 fusion gene
- bcl/abl融合基因 bcr/abl fusion gene
- bcr-abl融合基因 bcr-abl fusion gene
- 融合基因CTB-CS3 fused gene CTB-CS3
- K99-ST1融合基因 K99-ST1 fusion gene
- bcr/abl融合基因 bcr/abl fusion gene