- PCM编码方式 the PCM coding mode
- PCM编码 PCM coding
- .NET Compact Framework只支持PCM编码的文件(未压缩的声音)。 The.NET Compact Framework supports only PCM-encoded files (uncompressed sound).
- 局域网PCM编码格式语音实时通讯的实现 Real-time voice in PCM formats delivered in LAN
- PCM编码解码 PCM encoding and decoding
- 利用ACK/NAK信息控制调制编码方式,从而不再需要C/I反馈. The scheme makes use of ACK/NAK information to control the modulation/coding format, hence the C/I information feedback is no more required.
- 帧内编码方式 intraframe coding method
- 全电视信号PCM编码色度副载波量化噪声的讨论 A study on colour subcarrier quantization noise in PCM cod ing of complete television signal
- 对方编码方式 mate side encoding law type
- 抚养子女选用何种方式是极其重要的。 The way we choose to bring up children is vitally important.
- 绝对编码方式 absolute addressing mode
- 移动补偿编码方式 motion compensated coding scheme
- 请以快递方式寄这个包裹。 Please send the parcel express.
- 应用非逻辑编码方式,利于对中空性脏器及管腔壁层组织结构的辨认; Non-logic coding was favourable to distinguish the hollow viscera and its wall.
- 这部小说描写那里的普通人的生活方式。 The novel describes the way of life of the ordinary people there.
- 鲍勃想以送礼的方式来讨好老师。 Bob tried to ingratiate himself with the teacher by giving her presents.
- 无线衰减信道中一种新的编码方式的应用 The application of a new coding scheme in wireless fading channels
- 打手势是一种非言语的表达方式。 Gestures are a nonverbal means of expression.
- 创新档号编码方式 适应现代化干部档案管理模式 Creating New Coding Method of Files Numbers and Adapting to Modernized Mode of Cadre File Management
- 有些外国人容易被我们的生活方式同化。 Some foreigners assimilate easily into our way of life.