- PBL评价 PBL Appraisal
- 评价 to evaluate
- 自我评价 self-assessment
- 高度评价 have a good opinion of
- 综合评价 overall merit
- 评价人 appraiser
- PBL教学模式在病理解剖教学中的应用 Application of PBL teaching pattern in pathological anatomy teaching
- 评价标准 evaluation criterion
- 研究生作为PBL指导教师在药理学教改中的探索 Study of Graduate Students as PBL Supervisors in Pharmacology Teaching Reform
- 评价指标 evaluating indicator
- PBL与传统教学法集中教学实习效果的比较分析 Comparative analyzing on the effectiveness between the PBL and traditional full practice
- 环境影响评价 environmental impact assessment
- 他对正直的评价很高。 He puts a high value on integrity.
- 他在同事中受到的评价很高。 He is highly estimated among his colleagues.
- 环境评价 environmental evaluation
- 绩效评价 performance appraisal
- 安全评价 safety evaluation
- 评价者 valuer
- 被评价 rate
- 几乎所有的人对格林先生的发言都给予了很高的评价。 Almost all have a good opinion of the speech given by Mr Green.