- PBL教学模式在病理解剖教学中的应用 Application of PBL teaching pattern in pathological anatomy teaching
- PBL教学 PBL teaching
- 教学 teacher and student
- PBL教学模式 PBL teaching mode
- 杂交式PBL教学 hybrid-PBL teaching
- 教学的 didactical
- 单门课程PBL教学中出现的问题 Problems of PBL teaching in single courses
- 教学大纲 teaching program
- 教学质量 quality of teaching
- 教学内容 content of courses
- 教学模式 teaching model
- 教学目标 instructional objectives
- 计算机基础课程的PBL教学模式研究 Research of the PBL Teaching Model for FCST
- 教学计划 teaching plan
- 课堂教学 classroom teaching
- 教学实习 practice teaching
- 教学相长 teaching benefits both teacher and pupil alike
- 教学过程 teaching process
- 教学重点 focal point
- 教学设备 education aids