- PA序列误差 PA sequences error
- PA序列的强大数定律 Strong Law of Large Numbers for PA Random Variables
- 序列误差 sequence error
- NQD序列误差 Pairwise NQD Sequences error
- PA序列 PA sequence
- 误差 (n) difference; inaccuracy; error
- 序列 sequence
- 序列号 serial-number
- PA列 PA sequences
- 相对误差 relative error
- AODV-PA AODV with path accumulafion(AODV-PA)
- PA矩阵 PA matrix
- 测量误差 inaccuracy of measurement
- 序列化 serialize
- 能耗分析(PA) power analysis
- 误差范围 error band
- 时间序列 temporal series
- 乘积积累(PA)码 product accumulate (PA) codes
- 允许误差 give or take
- 纤溶酶原激活剂(rt-PA) recombinant tissue plasminogen activator(rt-PA)