- 网 network
- P2P覆盖网络 P2P Overlay Network
- P2P覆盖网 P2P overlay
- 语义覆盖网 semantic overlay network
- 该机制采用Chord算法将位于副本定位服务顶层的全局副本目录节点组成一个P2P覆盖网络,从而起到均衡负载、提高性能的目的。 It organizes the global replica index nodes which are at the top level of replica location service into a P2P overlay network by Chord in order to achieve load balance and performance improvement.
- 覆盖网 nerve of a covering
- 网迷 network fan
- 内网 Intranet
- 电脑网 computer network
- 网的 retiary
- 覆盖网构造 overlay construction
- 网关 gateway
- 网线 reticle
- 搜索网 dragnet
- 网管 network management
- 网速 wire speed
- 以太网 Ethernet
- 淘宝网 Taobao
- 网游 network game
- 网导 lead