- P2P计算 P2P computing
- 移动P2P计算 mobile P2P computing
- 该平台结合了Web Services中的XML,SOAP等技术以及JXTA架构,在一定程度上实现了P2P环境中的安全认证与资源的访问控制,保证了P2P计算的安全性。 In some degree,the P2P platform ensures P2P computing security by authority and access control policy.
- 随着P2P计算受到越来越多的关注,如何系统全面地对一个P2P系统作出评估成了一个非常重要的问题。 Since Peer-to-Peer computing is drawing more and more attention, it has become a critical problem how we can evaluate a P2P system comprehensively.
- P2P流 P2P flow
- 我计算中有没有出差错? Did I make any error in my calculation?
- 纯P2P P2P
- 这位簿记员长于计算。 The book keeper figured well.
- 超级P2P Super-P2P
- 我们得计算一下生产成本。 We have to sum up the costs of production.
- P2P网络 P2P network
- 他的计算能力很差。 His mathematics are weak.
- 移动P2P mobile P2P
- P2P架构 P2P architecture
- 你应当把燃料费计算在内。 You should reckon in the cost of fuel.
- P2P下载 P2P downloading
- 他计算失误。 He slipped up in his calculations.
- 混合P2P Hybrid Peer-to-Peer
- 精确计算的距离 a nicely calculated distance
- P2P限制 restrict P2P