- 适应自组织管理模式的P2P网络技术的研究 Research on Key Technologies of P2P Networks Adapted to Self-Organizing Management Mode
- 网络 network
- P2P网络技术 P2P
- 网络技术 network technology
- 网络连接 network connections
- 摘要文章提出了一种在P2P网络中安全分发密钥和进行对等点身份认证的方法。 A ploy to ensure the security distribution of the key and the identity authentication of the peers in P2P network is provided in this paper.
- 计算机网络技术 computer networking technology
- 文章给出了构建可管理、可控制和可运营的P2P网络的实例。 An example is provided to illustrate how to construct an administrable, controllable, and business P2P network.
- P2P网络 P2P network
- 神经网络技术在基于油液分析的发动机磨损诊断中的应用 Application of Neutral Network Technique in Engines Wear Fault Diagnosis Based on Oil Analysis
- TCN网络技术 TCN network technology
- 混合P2P网络 hybrid P2P network
- 移动P2P网络 mobile P2P network
- 商展网络技术 Trade Show of Network Technologies
- SDH网络技术 SDH network technology
- P2P网络蠕虫 P2P worms
- BP网络技术 BP net technique
- 无结构P2P网络 unstructured P2P network
- DTM网络技术 DTM Network Technology
- 有结构P2P网络 structured P2P networks