- 隔离 to separate
- 隔离霜 sun screen
- 隔离的 isolated
- 隔离开关 isolating switch
- 种族隔离 jim crowism
- 隔离区 isolated plot
- 被隔离的 segregate
- 隔离器 isolator
- 隔离变压器 isolation transformator
- 隔离层 isolated layer
- 他们拒绝支持种族隔离。 They refused to sanction segregation.
- 隔离阀 section valve
- 隔离物 partition
- 被隔离检疫 be in quarantine
- 光电隔离 photoelectric isolation
- 隔离板 division board
- 隔离度 isolation
- 这个党的右翼不可能赢得那些参加反种族隔离运动的人的支持。 The right wing of the party can't play for sympathy with the antiapartheid campaigners.
- 隔离病房 isolation ward
- 感染到这种传染病的人被隔离起来。 Sufferers from the infectious disease are isolated.