- One world breathes a smile 整个世界沉浸在微笑之中
- He looked at the baby with a smile. 他笑着看着这个婴儿。
- He told us with a smile of contentment. 他带着心满意足的微笑告诉了我们。
- His face expanded in a smile of welcome. 他喜笑颜开地表示欢迎。
- A flower and one world, a bird and one paradise. 心若无尘%2526一花一世界,一鸟一天堂。
- The world shines when a smile is on your face. 你微笑时阳光就开始闪耀。
- I'd do anything to see you crack a smile. 为了博得你的一笑,我情愿做任何事。
- A smile of triumph lit up her face. 她的脸上闪露出胜利的微笑。
- He prefaced his remarks with a smile. 他用微笑来开始他的评论。
- He tried to mask his disappointment with a smile. 他试图以微笑来掩饰他的失望。
- A smile often illumines a homely face. 笑容常使其貌不扬的人显得神采奕奕。
- A smile overspread his broad face. 他那张宽大的脸上堆满微笑。
- She cracked a smile that told her joy. 她绽出笑容,显露内心的欢乐。
- Today the choice is either one world or no world. 今天,摆在我们面前的选择有两种:要么世界大同,要么世界毁灭。
- Breathes a streak of silver into your flame. 给高涨的情焰注入一道冷酷的白银。
- Gradually a smile appeared on her face. 慢慢地她脸上露出一丝笑容。
- The free movement of tourists creates one world. 施行者的自由活动创造了一个共融的世界。
- "Maybe," she said with a flicker of a smile. 她带著一丝笑容说:"也许吧。"
- "One world One Dream One Standard"! “同一个世界同一个梦想同一个标准”!
- A smile often denotes pleasure and friendship. 微笑常常表示高兴和友善。