- 使用Visual Studio Tools for Office开发Microsoft Office解决方案可实现快速应用程序开发(RAD)。 Using Visual Studio Tools for Office to develop Microsoft Office solutions enables rapid application development (RAD).
- 开发海底石油 to exploit the oil under the sea
- 西部大开发取得重要进展。 Significant headway has been made in the large-scale development of China's western region.
- 这是块未开发的土地。 This is a block of undeveloped land.
- 他将很多钱投资于新油田的开发。 He ploughed much money into developing new oil fields.
- 湄公河流域开发合作即将全面展开。 Cooperation for the development of the Mekong River valley is about to unfold.
- 两家跨国公司在开发新软件方面相互合作。 The two international companies are working in collaboration with each other in the development of new software.
- 公司花了很多钱实施开发计划。 The company had incur heavy cost to implement the development programme.
- 他们正在考虑开发自然资源。 They are considering the exploitation of natural resources.
- 这条公路开发了一大片地区。 The highway taps a large district.
- 每月开发帐单的事情或工作 monthly billing
- 开发一国的天然资源 to exploit the natural resources of a country
- 海上油气开发 offshore development of oil and gas
- 河流梯级开发 river cascade development
- 他们的兴趣集中在这种新药的研制开发上。 Their interest localized on the development of this new drug.
- 国家依法保护开发者的合法权益。 The State protects the legitimate rights and interests of developers.
- 搞好扶贫开发工作。 A good job should be done in alleviating poverty through development.
- 开发新资源 to tap new resources
- 国家保障矿产资源的合理开发利用。 The State safeguards the rational development and utilization of mineral resources.
- 经济地质学中有关矿业开发的分支。 the branch of economic geology that deals with the applications of geology to mining.